Monday 26 September 2016

The cat's out the bag!!

Hello, Hello, Hello

Well I am beyond excited to say .....

The cat's out the bag :D At last I can breath!

This is one of the most exciting things I have done as well as the most scary! Little old me releasing my own craft collection .... So this is the next chapter!!

After a long break from the craft industry, tomorrow, my digi kits go on sale at eek!!!

At this point I will say if you don't use Serif CraftArtist2 professional software but still want to get your hands on my kits .... NEVER FEAR! You can get a FREE copy of the CraftArtist compact software which will allow you access to all the artwork! In a blog post coming soon I will talk through it in more detail! (it can be used as a click and print option or to save the imagery in a format you want go get it!)

So what are these kits? Well here they are!

La Senora Mexicana inspired by the life and art of Frida Kahlo. Full of bright colourful imagery full of fun and fiesta!

Lilies and Light inspired by Claude Monet. Strong pastels and garden imagery alongside vintage French imagery make up this kit

Stars and Sunflowers inspired by the life and art of Vincent van Gogh. With a bold colour palette of blues and yellows this is a kit of art and magic.

Bizarre and Fantastic inspired by Clarice Cliff, the art deco era and the brand new age of jazz. Bright, quirky and fun!

I have used artists as my starting inspiration for each kit BUT you do not need to know the artists work or anything about their lives to create with them. Every craft collection starts somewhere and artists inspire me so I thought it was a good place for me to create from. Each kit started with a strong colour palette and the rest of the imagery kind of followed.

Everything in each kit that is hand painted I did myself

All the backgrounds are hand painted

A lot of the elements are hand made

And those that are not hand made or hand painted are treasures that I have collected over the years and photographed in my little studio to put into digital form for you to create with again and again!

The alphas and all text and fonts are hand created too!

I really enjoyed creating these kits, they are unique in content and have been a real labour of love. I hope you enjoy creating with them and I can't wait to see all your projects!

I will be back tomorrow with a competition so please visit to see how you can win one of 4 original pieces of artwork I created for my digi kits!

Thanks for surfing by
Until tomorrow, as ever ....
Happy Crafting


  1. Absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!

    Love Frida Kahlo. So will be looking at this one definitely!

  2. Michelle, I'm excited for you, and for me. I'm sure you designed these kits just for me 'cos you read my mind. I did an online quiz about which artist would I like to paint my portrait and the answer was, you guessed it, Frida Kahlo, I just love sunflowers, and I have a Clarice Cliff teapot and mugs on my kitchen shelf (not genuine I'm afraid). Really looking forward to the kits. x

    1. That is a great message and really made me smile :D I hope you enjoy!!! M x

  3. Michelle I need at least two of these kits. Thank you so very much. Wishing you every success. Chris x

  4. Michelle I need at least two of these kits. Thank you so very much. Wishing you every success. Chris x

  5. Wow your kits look amazing - you're so talented! Creative Blessings, Tracy x

    1. Thanks Tracy and thanks for a lovely message! M x

  6. Michelle, These are amazing digikits, the collections are out of this world. I have spent far too many hours browsing all the wonderful content and variety of content, Unfortunately to the detriment of actually producing much. Without a doubt these are going to be immensely popular. I am now looking forward to getting really stuck in. Thank you so much xxx

  7. These are incredible kits, Michelle, and as I have about 200 digikits now, I think I know what I'm talking about!! Seriously though, the amount of "content" and the originality, not to mention the beautiful artwork and quirky style make the kits a real pleasure to work with. Bringing them to us has clearly been a true "labour of love" and it's great that you decided to take this next step on your crafting journey. Can't wait for the next ones!! Melissa x
