Saturday 5 November 2016

A couple more visitors

Hi again!
Twice in one day! I thought I would drop in tonight with a little more inspiration for you to peruse.
The lovely Emma Simms aka The Sparkly Fairy and winner of PaperCrafter, Lets make cards, 2016 Christmas card maker of the year!! (yes round of applause, well deserved!) created me some lovely samples with my kits 

I love the romantic, vintage English look that Emma has achieved with this card created with La Senora Mexicana digi kit

Emma has made great use of the digi stamps in the Sunflower and Stars digi kit on this card

A beautiful layout created with Lilies and Light digi kit

And finally from Emma I LOVE this triptych created with the La Senora Mexicana digi kit, I made those frames and even I'm impressed at how real they look on this project :D
To find out more about Emma visit her blog
The second lovely offering inspiration tonight is Melissa Lawrence

I adore these layouts created with my La Senora Mexicana kit, I know Melissa was inspired to research Frida Kahlo after I sent her this kit and I think she's really captured the essence of her in these.

These creations created with the Bizarre and Fantastic digi kit make me smile, what fun! and a great publicity flyer too, then there is this ...

This made my heart sing! Created with the Bizarre and Fantastic kit and some pain staking work I think this is a fabulous creation! What a great piece of wall art this would make! Read more about Melissa on her blog (I picked this blog to put you in the right direction but check out her other blogs too by following the links on there!)
Ok my lovelies that is all from me for tonight, don't forget to check out today's earlier post if you haven't already a quintet of visitors and pop back tomorrow to see some more shared work ;)
Until then, as ever,
Happy Crafting (and stay safe if you're out and about tonight!)


  1. Thanks so much for featuring my work. Love Emma's creations, too. The kits are so inspirational, they are a real pleasure to work with. Melissa x

    1. You're welcome and thanks for letting me share your lovely work! M x

  2. Beautiful work ladies...well done. :)

  3. Thank you so much for the lovely write up - will share it in the stratosphere!

    1. You're welcome! And thanks for letting me share your lovely work! M x
