Thursday 3 November 2016

A Digi Scrap page tutorial with Yvette Harvey

Hi all

As promised I am here with a tutorial that our lovely Yvette has put together for you all, it is one of my favourite layouts that she created with my kits (although I love them all to be honest!) It is created with my Sunflowers and Stars digi kit and Craft Artist 2 professional although remember you can still play along with Craft Artist compact for FREE (tutorial here) So without further ado let me hand you over to Yvette

Shine Like A Star

Right, brace yourselves... but not too much.... I didn’t attempt any computational wizzardry, preferring to maintain the integrity of the designer (polite way of saying being lazy).

The beach scenes lent themselves to Michelle’s Sunflowers and Stars kit, with its swirling backgrounds and embellishments emulating waves washing over partially pebbled sand, and swooshing into clear rockpools.

The final page....

And how it came to be...

So, having chosen a background, and having an idea of where to put the huge pic, I decided to have a few embellishments under the image, and also one of the quotes that has been recoloured and grouped onto a chopped down piece of material.  The other bits are the curl embellishment, a branch and a star.
Main pic is just imported into the frame.  However, I have ruined Michelle’s frame by a little judicious wiggley cropping with the eraser, purely to remove bits of the pic that I don’t want to be seen.
Next, some embellies to the right of the frame to cover up the dodgy corner – just a cluster of bits: the branches have been spun around and flipped so that they look slightly different, the flowers have been plonked down filling gaps, and the ribbons behind everything, purely there to lead the eye away from the big pic.  Items closer to the front have a larger shadow than the bits at the back to give a little perspective.
Next, adding the frame with Sebastian looking pensive.  One of my foibles is adding shading to frames and not the combined frame and pic – so, I like to select the frame (bottom RHS icon) and shadow this alone, so it looks like the frame is slightly more 3D

And finally, adding a few more twiddly bits to fill the gaps and link the main bits to other bits, the tag in the corner seemed the best way to add a bit of journaling.. All items were shadowed with the preset shadows – the ones giving a bigger shade to add depth.  Another of my foibles is always making sure the shadows go in the same direction – in my case I assume that the light is coming from above and from the LHS.

 Et voila – the page finished.
Thanks Yvette! I love this layout (and don't think my frame was ruined! the joy of digi crafting is you can make things do what you want them to do!) I love the use of large photos on layouts and think this is done brilliantly on this page!
I hope you feel inspired to have a go at something like this ... I do!
Thanks for stopping by, I will be back soon with more inspiration. Until then, as ever,
Happy Crafting!




  1. Beautiful Thank you so much for this tutorial x
