Saturday 5 November 2016

A Quintet of visitors!

Hello all
How are you? Well, I hope and I hope November is treating you well so far!
I'm glad to see so many of you enjoying the inspiration I shared from our lovely Yvette. This weekend I'm going to share a host of different inspirations from some lovely crafters I have 'met' over the years via the wonders of social media. I asked them to be secret squirrels for me and test run my digi kits. They all craft in different ways and have different ideas and this is the thing I love most about craft, that the same product can be crafted in so many different ways and ways you might not necessarily think of until you see it done!
1st up is a little inspiration from Alexandra Baker 

Alexandra has taken the layouts that I have created in the kits and made them into these fabby cards, adding extra bling when they have been printed off. (kits used; La Senora Mexicana & Sunflowers and Stars)

Next we have something to share from Alison Thompson
I love the perspective on the Jazz layout created with the Bizarre and Fantastic digi kit, re sizing the musicians and dancers as they recede into the back and the blending on the Beautiful Bird layout created with the Lilies and Light digi kit is just lovely.

Jane McMillan supplies the next bit of inspiration

The Anniversary card (created with the Bizarre and Fantastic kit) made me laugh out loud, how did Jane know my address :D But seriously the re colouring and blending on this is great! And the frame used on 'Copying Granddad' (created with the Sunflowers and Star kit) is perfect for that photo.
Joy Curzon is our next visitor
I love that Joy has pushed her boundaries with these designs and created some fabulous layouts. I like the split design on Arriba Arriba made with La Senora Mexicana. The ghosting of the digi stamps on the poppies from Lilies and Light is clever. I really like the blending and repeat pattern of the door embellie on 'The Door to Dreams' creating a magical feel with the Sunflowers and Stars digi kit and the 3D feel of the dancing couple layout created with the Bizarre and Fantastic digi kit is fab.
And closing the visit for today is Keren Cowell
Keren has been the queen of mixing up the kits and I think it's great to remind people that you can mix and match your kits, not just within one designers collection but from your whole digi kit collection and then you can really go to town as Keren has done with her lovely layouts.
All these layouts are created using CraftArtist2 professional alongside my digi kits but don't forget you can still get access to the art work in my kits by downloading the FREE compact Craft Artist, learn more about that here
Thanks for dropping by and call back soon as I have some more quick inspiration posts coming
Until then, as ever,
Happy Crafting

1 comment:

  1. Love 'em all! It's great seeing how other crafters put things together....very inspirational. Thank you all for sharing. :) x
