Tuesday 25 October 2016

A Mexican tray from Linda Wallace (and a free Craft Artist template to boot!)

Hi all

Well here it is our Linda's last tutorial for now and what a fabby it is too! Created with my La Senora Mexicana digikit and Craft Artist 2 Professional software (remember you can get the compact version of the software for FREE and still create this! tutorial here) Before launch I got to see Linda's projects and this one made my heart sing! It's a strange thing releasing your own art work into the world but when you see people use it in this way, you know it was the right thing to do! And this is it ....

FABULOUS!!! Linda has created a Craft Artist template for you to create your own tray and you can download it here ..... Quick instruction before you go!

You will see this screen when you click on the link, ignore everything except the pointy down arrow on the top right which when hovered over says download, click this to see....

a pop up bar at the bottom of your screen .... go to the right hand side of it and click the black arrow next to the tab that says save to give you options .....

choose Save as and save it to where you want on your computer ...

..... now you have the Craft Artist project with the template to use I will hand you over to Linda ....

This is quite an easy project. The only difficulty is to decide how to decorate it! I’ve chosen to use the La Senora Mexicana kit as there were so many brightly coloured papers and embellishments, I came to the conclusion that a collage was in order.

Open the Craft Artist project and then open the project box at the bottom of your workspace by clicking the black arrow and copy the template page (copy page!) so you have 2 identical pages.

Working on page 1, drag and drop your background onto your template, now go to Layer 1 and decorate.

Go to page 2 and drag and drop in another background, this is for the back of your tray. Print off your back on a piece of card. I am lucky enough to have a printer that prints card, if you haven’t, you could chose a piece of matching card for your back and print your front onto photo paper and glue it to the card. Now back to the card printers, turn your patterned card over and print your front (Page 1) With craft artist this is so easy as the copied page is in exactly the right place to do double sided printing (and this works for any project!)

Cut out the tray and score the score lines. Glue the tabs in place matching corner A to point A and so on.

I gave the tray a quick varnish with some PVA and a tiny drop of water, or you could use an acrylic varnish
Linda x

I absolutely love this project and as I have been putting this blog post together I was thinking if you made it a more 'Day of the Dead' type pattern it would make a great tray to hold your Halloween treats to hand out!

A Huge thank you to Linda Wallace for sharing all her projects with us and a thank you to you for stopping by! More inspiration coming soon, until then, as ever,
Happy Crafting

1 comment:

  1. this is fab and thankyou for sharing print on gloss photo paper from the pound shop and its such a handy little tray great for so many things makes a great mens coin tray big love marc
