Sunday 23 October 2016

A pop up card tutorial by Linda Wallace (and a free Craft Artist template too!)

Hi all

Well best laid plans and all that but finally I am here to share one of our Linda's tutorials that she kindly created for all of you to make this clever Concertina pop up card made with my Bizarre and Fantastic digikit and Craft Artist 2 professional software

So first up (I have everything crossed that this will work!) You will need to download the Craft Artist template that she created by clicking here  .... hang on!!  just before you go here's a quick tutorial on what to do when you get there ....

You will see this page when you click the link, do not worry about the list of stuff you only need to ...

go to the top right corner to the pointy down arrow (technical term!) and you will see it highlights download .... click it and then you will see a pop up at the bottom of your screen ....
Go to the middle tab at the right end of the bar that says save and click the black arrow next to it which will give you save options ....
Click Save as and this will open up a box on your computer for you to decide where you want to save the Craft Artist project (eg my pictures)
So now you have the template in a Craft Artist project I can hand over to Linda's tutorial .... Enjoy!
On the first template page in the project, choose a background and drop it into the background layer.

Build up your scene, remembering that the first section on the larger rectangle and the first half of the larger section on the smaller rectangle are going to be the front of your card (This becomes important if you choose to put a sentiment on the front of your card).

Group the embellishments on each rectangle and use the crop tool to make the base and sides of each flat.


Cut out the large rectangle and score and fold the score lines. Cut out the sides and bottom of the smaller rectangle, then cut the top edge using the shape of your scene as a guide.

Score the fold lines. Part 1 joins to part 2 at point A up to the first mountain fold on 2, then point B back to the next valley fold on 1. Join them with Foam pads for a 3d look.

When joined and the card is folded, it should form a square box shape.

On the second template drop a background into the background tab. Look at the Layers tab and highlight Layer 2, this is so we can work above our template. Now choose embellishments you want to pop out of the box, make sure you keep them within the centre score lines.

(There is plenty of room on this layer to design a greeting embellishment or some decoupage. Place this on the blank white areas)

Cut these pieces out and score the score lines (These can be mountain or valley depending which is best for the look of your card) these are then glued into the box area of the card, as in a pop up box card. Your card is now ready to embellish with glitter etc.
I love this project, It is so effective! Linda also created a similar card using my Lilies and Light kit
A completely different look but just as striking!
Which kit will you use to create this project? I hope you have fun with it! Thanks again to Linda Wallace for sharing her talent with us and thank you for stopping by.
I will be back tomorrow with another fab project from our Linda, until then as ever
Happy Crafting
Love MJM x
PS you can still create this project even if you don't have Craft Artist 2 Professional, just download the compact version for FREE here and check out this quick tutorial I did on it here 


  1. Fabulous! I love POPUP cards and this is such a clever way of making them...thank you Linda and Michelle, x
    (Anne Nelson)

  2. Brilliant ! Wasn`t totally clear how this worked but made a test one & am now busy designing more . Love it & very clever design, thank you xx

  3. That's brilliant really looks good x
